March Update (2022)

Logo ideas
Some concepts for a Curbside Farms logo

Slow and steady. Here’s what we got up to this month.

  • Applied for funding to help with the costs of incorporation.
  • Began preparations to apply for funding to complete a pilot project (details still to be defined).
  • Added rough prototypes of some of Taproot’s main features including the ability to write content and pages separately and easily link them together.
  • Developed a conceptual strategy for replacing garden beds at their end of life by compressing them with a tourniquet and sliding a new one into place around them.
  • Set ourselves the goal of fully understanding the works of our co-founder Nelson Guedes, whose ideas underlie and motivate much of the Curbside project. The rest of us have a lot of theoretical background to catch up on, but if Curbside is going to accomplish its highest goals, we all need to be on the same page.
  • Continued work on the Curbside logo.